CA sometimes sucks so much ass

Don’t get me wrong.  I love San diego.  The weather, the people, the beach.  and the 9th District court has made some great rulings.  but I just saw This Initiative via Feminist law Professors.

If people are truly concerned about minors health and safety.. they would protect their privacy. if people think “My mom will find out if I have a legal abortion” and they really don’t want their parents to find out, they are going to try unsafe options.

Abortions happen. Period. It doesn’t matter if they are legal or not. but if they are legal, then people can get them done safely. I’m not arguing right or wrong. I’m arguing saving a childs life. Because shoving a coat hanger up your vagina in a desperate attempt to hide the truth from your parents is a hell of a way to go.

So please vote in november. Vote against this. protect young women’s rights.

This Common Secret

I just read “This Common Secret” By Susan Wicklund.

I want to add my voice to the chorus of praise for this book. It was moving and really showed Women as the center of the stories. So often when Abortion is discussed it is in terms of the “unborn Child”. Regardless of how one feels about a fetus, this book makes it clear, women WILL have abortions. Providing them safely is the only option that is not cruel.

Of course, I am the choir. I was pro-choice before reading the book. I would love to know the reaction of someone considers themselves pro-life. Not the wack jobs killing people, but just someone down the street.

And whatever your views, this book will make you think, it will move you.

I’m in so much awe of Susan Wicklund that i really am having trouble finding words to express how much I think everyone should read this book.

Some excerpts:

I’m afraid my screams give no voice to the silenced

I sent the following as an email to all my friends in the states:  

I got the heads up about this from here.

“On Monday, President Bush appointed Dr. Susan Orr as Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs (a Health and Human Services Agency), placing Orr in charge of the nation’s family planning activities under Title X. In the past, Orr has applauded efforts to exclude birth control from health coverage for federal employees, stating that “fertility is not a disease,” and encouraged efforts to withdraw approval of RU-486.

Orr previously worked as an associate commissioner in the Administration for Children and Families, as well as for the anti-contraception and anti-reproductive rights Family Research Council. ”

That is to say that the person incharge of “Family planning” is opposed to the only known way of decreasing the abortion rate.  (which is access to birth control )

If you are Pro-Life, she is against the only known means of reducing the abortion rate and therefore against you.

If you are Pro-choice and/or think women should have reproductive rights, she is against you.

Please take a moment to sign the Planned Parenthood Pettition .

Thank you,


feel free to copy and share or just share. I’m happy to get the message out.

of course this comes at a time when even democrats are continuing abstinence only sex ed. GAAHHHH!!!!  I could just scream.

update on Planned Parenthood Aurora

In reference to my earlier post
Firstly there is up to date info at

There was a post this morning.  It basically said, yes they can legally throw the people off their property:

that the only way we can remove the protesters is to get Safeway/Dominick’s to send a letter to the city telling them they don’t want the protesters on their private property.

So in calling in we should Request they write a letter the the city.

My personal Addendum is that when complaining, inform them that the objectional behavior is the intimidation tactics. These protesters are Taking people’s pictures and wrtiting down their liscense plate numbers. they Are harrassing patients. Yes this is technically legal, but it is unkind, and hurtful. Even if those you speak call themselves “pro-life” it is important to note that Planned Parenthood does more than “just abortions” they offer mamograms, and pap smears and information. What could be more pro-life than ensuring that women of all economic backgrounds have access to healthcare?

Please call both the local Store and Corporate.

Dominick’s store: 630-236-0683

National Safeway Corporation’s VP for Public Affairs : 925-467-3000

The Store in Questions is:

The Dominick’s/Safeway store in question is at 3025 E. New York St, Aurora, Ill. 60504.

Vons/Safeway/Dominicks is anti-choice

Well i found out through Feministing:

Safeway hosting anti-choicers in Aurora
Having lost their appeal to the Aurora city council to shut down the new Planned Parenthood clinic, the antis have set up shop on private property — specifically the parking lot of a Dominick’s/Safeway grocery store — adjacent to the clinic. Of course, photographing women and license plates outside of abortion providers is not exactly a novel anti-choice tactic. But this time they’re not standing on public sidewalks.

As a private business, Dominick’s/Safeway could throw them off the premises and make them stop this intimidation. So call Safeway corporate and ask that the Aurora location do just that:

Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Local Time
Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Local Time

The Dominick’s/Safeway store in question is at 3025 E. New York St, Aurora, Ill. 60504.

UPDATE: Folks in comments are saying they’re having better luck with this number for Safeway corporate offices in Pleasanton: 925-467-3000 .

Please call the corporate offices. The lady I talked to was shocked that this was happening and said she is calling their district manager. I’m not shopping at safeway or any safeway owned businesses until this is resolved. Please join me standing up for choice. Vote with your dollar and let them know that they have lost a customer if this continues.

again the number for Safeway corporate offices in Pleasanton is 925-467-3000